My version of the mastercard commercial....

Canon digital Rebel XTi - $900.00

Garmin GPS Nuvi 660 - $500.00

IPOD Classic - $300.00

Sony Portable DVD player - $200.00

Gap Sweatshirt - $40.00

The look on my face when I found my car window smashed to pieces and the above belonging gone - PRICELESS

Suicidal Birds

Early this morning Kim & I left Ocean City to come home. So we are driving down the road and the car up ahead hits their brakes and swerves a bit. There is a goose in the road. He's crossing the road & was at the center line. Another car was already pulling over, I assume to supervise the rest of its crossing, so we had a laugh and continued on our way. About an hour or so later we are on another road. Just cruising along. I was looking ahead down the road and there's a couple white birds in the road. I wasn't concerned because birds always fly out of the way. Well, the first bird hightailed it out of the road as I approached and I assumed the 2nd one would as well. Nope. It lifted up a bit and headed for the windshield! At this point I screamed and swerved. Kim, who had been looking down, hears me yell and looks up to see a big white bird headed her way! It was absolutely hilarious. We were cracking up for about 10-15 minutes. I wish we had been able to take a picture. I'm wondering what my coverage is if I am hit by a suicidal bird?

Ode to Kelly

This is my wonderful friend Kelly. She recently moved out of state and I really really really miss her. I also miss all the dinners she would cook me. Especially her sweet & sour chicken.

Randomness (is that a word?)

Look at that sweet face! I made the kids dinner and Sami ate every bite of her food. If you don't know Sami, this is a pretty big deal. Unless candy is involved, she eats like a bird.

Kevin's motocycle is his life. That & eating at California Tortilla. He's going to try racing soon.

Dean, my boss, needed a picture for his new facebook page so we had a mini photo shoot

Hospital Visits

So one day Keith ticked off Shannon and she kicked him in the shin in response. 2 days later I'm sitting in the emergency room with the little twerp! He flat out refused to budge from his bed until he saw a doctor because his leg hurt.

Obviously he was not dying, so I was voted the lucky one to go with him. The nurses and doctor seemed to find the whole story pretty amusing. We took pictures to pass the time. Keith's new nickname is "hypo", for hypochondriac.

1 1/2 hours later we left with an ace bandage. For his deep tissue bruise. He was still using the ace bandage a week later. Even though there was nothing on his leg to see.....

Yup, this is the culprit. Now there is a sizable lump under the scrap, but seriously, can you believe all the nonsense over this?

Pumpkin Carving

For Halloween we had some much fun helping the kids do their pumpkins that Kim & I decided we should do our own. They turned out pretty cute I think.

Mine is the left, Kim's the right. Pre-carving.

My work of art!

The Ghostly Pumpkin Head


This year I went to the Haunted Forest with Kim, Ben & Kat. It was alot of fun. They had huge bonfires and we got our faces painted.

Poor Kat fell at the end and sprained her ankle. Those chainsaw guys can be pretty scary. The positive outcome was that I got to ride the ATV with a very handsome paramedic!

Fun on the Boat

I found these pictures of me & Kim on the boat at the beach house in my camera that's been missing for a while. I thought they were cute so enjoy! (and no, we were not actually driving!)